By Admin / 10 Sep 2024

Ah, Kerala! The beautiful place where one can witness the calm water bodies, rich flora and taste the scrumptious food! For those who have tasted the authentic Kerala food prepared in Kerala home itself will surely realize that the kitchen is not just an area that is used to prepare food at home but is more like a small culinary theatre of spices, aroma and natural elements . Well, in case you are planning to renovate the kitchen or just thinking of infusing some ‘Kerala’ in your kitchen, you are at the right place. Now let’s take a look at how to incorporate those earthy, natural tones into your kitchen without the strain or the strain on the wallet.

Incorporating elements on the Kerala kitchen design.
1. Start with the Right Flooring: Say NO To Chemicals!

Ok, starting from the bottom, let’s discuss the essentials or, to be more precise, the groundworks. In earlier days the flooring of the houses in Kerala was done using natural materials like red oxide or terracotta tiles. Not only do these materials look great they also aid in keeping the kitchen cool – pretty useful when you are sweating over a pot of sambhar! The kitchen floor is paved with terracotta tiles which look rather warm and make the floor matter rather than shine. And let us not take away the simple joy of feeling cool floor tiles in bare feet while bustling about to cook a meal.

If red oxide and terracotta make you think that the house is way too traditional for your tastes, there’s no reason to fret! That does not mean you cannot include natural stone such as granite or marble in your home. These materials give great durability while at the same time giving an architectural look that can blend with both conventional and modern architectural design. When choosing the kitchen interior design Kerala style or with the modern appearance, you can easily combine the natural stones.

2. Wooden Wonders: Cabinets and Shelving.

When it comes to the concept of natural people can never go wrong with good ol’ wood. Kerala’s kitchen designs include wooden cabinets and shelves which give a natural feel to the room where foods are prepared. The best choices are teak wood or rosewood as both are specifically found in Kerala and can last longer. Wood has that organic feel to it which makes it timeless and gives a unique texture when it starts to weather or dry out.

For a slightly more contemporary design, you can go for open shelved style with reclaimed wooden shelves. Apart from giving your kitchen a rustic appeal, it will also afford you an opportunity to display wonderful clay pots and old spice jars that you might have gathered in your collection. And who knows? It might even give you the incentive to keep things neat. (Well, who on Earth does not wish for that some day?)

3. Let the Breeze In by Using the Traditional Windows

Who would not want the art of those old typical windows of wooden material so familiar to any Kerala kitchen? Envisage large, opening windows with bars in wooden structures that allow light and air flow into the rooms. Besides just looking beautiful, these windows also come in handy: You want fresh-scented air when heating up some fish curry and not the smoky variety that comes from stewing the fish!

Instead of the usual curtains and blinds one may use wooden shutters or lattice panels in the window. These elements serve to moderate light while retaining a level of privacy, and can be folded back fully for an appreciable breeze during cooking. And let’s be honest, none of us hates cooking more when we have something beautiful to look at as we wait for the dosa batter to rise.

4. Nature’s Palette: Earthy colors and textures.

Kerala kitchens have colors of earth – brown, green and yellow that resemble the natural countryside. Therefore, when choosing the color for your kitchen walls and other furniture, try to adopt a color scheme that will depict the natural beauty of the landscape in Kerala. Consider expanding the use of deep greens resembling the palm trees outside or warm terracotta like the roofs here or ivory or beige like sand.

Complement these colors by combining them with natural materials like jute, bamboo, or cane. A cane basket here, a bamboo mat there—these little touches can go a long way in making your kitchen feel more connected to nature. These natural complements will come in handy no matter the chosen modular kitchen design Kerala style or a more classical one.

5. Add Some Greenery: Plants, Plants, and More Plants!

Who doesn’t like the sight of green in a kitchen? Live green plants are one of the best solutions to introduce the idea of life into your kitchen area. Most kitchens in Kerala are flooded with greens – from a small section of plant on the window sill to a group of pots on the kitchen window. Not to mention, they are colorful – and many of them, like basil, mint, and coriander, are ideal for the Kerala dishes you will be preparing!

Some of the planters can be hanged on the ceiling, or you can try placing some of the planters on the walls. They will also assist in the filtration of the air and make your kitchen have a nice smell at all times. And this is a perfect opportunity to test your skills in plant caring. (Pro tip: Feeding them with whatever little coconut water is left might just add that touch of Kerala to them!)

6. Natural Light: The Ultimate Mood Enhancer

Natural light defines the kitchen of a typical home in Kerala. Whether it is a large window or skylight or even a glass door, they can allow the sunlight into the room making the kitchen to be warm and welcoming. It may be beneficial to include a skylight over top of the location where the cooking will occur so that the natural light can come in. This not only helps to eliminate artificial light during the daytime but also serves as an accent to the interior of your kitchen. Placing the puttu on a placemat, which includes the morning sun falling on it as you sip filter coffee- doesn’t that sound fabulous?

7. Wicker and Weave: Traditional accessories to add on to the home.

Just imagine baskets made of wicker, trays made of the same material, and utensils made of bamboo. These are some of the traditional kitchen accessories that capture the heritage of craft entrepreneurship from the state of Kerala and provide your kitchen a genuine and authentic touch. Wicker baskets can be used to store food such as fresh fruits and vegetables or bread while woven trays can be used as hanging picture frames when not used as trays. Such items are not only decorative but also functional – they help maintain kitchen order and cleanliness. Well, let’s admit it, when using those elements you feel like being in a countryside cooking in a kitchen even though you are in the middle of the city.

8. Spice it Up with Natural Cookware

Try cooking with clay pots and pans like how your grandma used to do it. These also give that country look and feel to a kitchen apart from being important in the preparation of the food. Oh believe me, a fish curry prepared in a clay pot is a treat that you cannot compare to any other. Also it provides an extremely good reason to cook in traditional cookware, allowing you to announce to the world that yes, indeed, you’re ‘going organic’ with your pots and pans too. More bonus if you can manage to use the grinding stone for your spices like in the ancient world!

9. Eco-Friendly Materials: Environment Friendly to the Core

There are ways on how you can blend the concept of environmental sustainability in your kitchen design. Bamboo, jute, and coconut coir are eco-friendly materials that also bring a rich texture into your kitchen. You could look for things like bamboo blinds or jute rugs, and even coconut shell bowls. This is not only beneficial to the earth but also a way of bringing a slice of nature from the God’s Own Country, Kerala into your home.

10. End the Course with a Flavor of Kerala Art and Craft

It is difficult to imagine a kitchen in Kerala without elements of local art and craft. One can go for traditional Kerala style painting on the walls or can have a beautiful kathakali mask hanging on the wall. If you are more of a do-it-yourself kind of person, then you could try making an art of pottery or a tapestry crafted from natural threads. All of these elements not only give an emotional warmth but also determine that your kitchen will be unique.

Wrapping It Up

Bringing nature into your Kerala house kitchen interior design is all about making a pleasant and vibrant warm space. Whether you are an experienced cook or just a beginner, a kitchen that has the scent of Kerala nature will turn every cooking experience into a joyful pastime. So don’t hesitate to combine those earth tones, incorporate the green, bring in the light, and let your kitchen speak for itself. And most importantly, let your kitchen be as warm as the meals you prepare in it, Bon Appetite!

Your Dream Kitchen Awaits – Tailored to Your Style

Welcome to Home and Kitchen Interiors—your one-stop shop for the kitchen of your and your family’s dreams! The kitchens we create are distinct in moral and function as our talented designers work with contemporary elements and designs enriched by classic features. Are you planning to have a professional modern kitchen décor or you are facing challenges on how you can transform your limited space then we are the right people for the job. That’s set if you are on the lookout for the best modular kitchen in Kerala, you now know where to come!

Our dedicated team of modular kitchen designers in Kochi is ready to help you design the best kitchens that suit the interiors of your home and personal preferences. Whether simple or trendy, we conceptualize and create each kitchen with attention to every single detail.

Whether you are trying to find elegant and sophisticated kitchen countertops or simple ideas to incorporate into your kitchen, at Home and Kitchen Interiors, you get all your kitchen needs covered to enhance your cooking. High-quality service and considerable guarantee make the implementation of your visions in a kitchen a truly easy task. You can trust us to design and build a beautiful, useful kitchen that will be the center of your home.