Feng Shui: Colours to skip in your kitchen

By admin / 12 Feb 2024

Your kitchen is more than just a space for cooking; it's the heart of the home, where families gather, meals are shared, and memories are made. According to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonising energy flow, the colours you choose for your kitchen can significantly impact its atmosphere and the well-being of those who use it. While certain colours are considered auspicious and promote positive energy, others can create disharmony and negativity.

In this blog, Home and Kitchen Interiors explores the colours to avoid in your kitchen from a Feng Shui perspective and suggests harmonious alternatives that align with your well-being and inspire creativity in the culinary space. We'll also provide tips on finding the right kitchen interior designer near you to help transform your kitchen into a haven of peace and prosperity.

Colours to Avoid in Your Kitchen and Alternatives

  1. 1.Black: While black can add a touch of sophistication and elegance, its association with darkness and water in Feng Shui makes it unsuitable for the kitchen, which represents fire and earth. Excessive black can create a feeling of heaviness, dampen creativity, and hinder communication within the family.

    Alternatives: Consider a lighter shade like grey or charcoal, which retains the sleekness without the negative connotations. For a bolder choice, opt for deep browns or earthy tones that connect with the fire and earth elements.

  2. 2.Red: Red is a vibrant colour that symbolises passion and excitement. However, its fiery energy can be overwhelming in a kitchen, leading to arguments, stress, and impulsive decisions.

    Alternatives: If you love the vibrancy of red, use it sparingly as accents or pops of colour. Opt for calmer shades like terracotta or brick red, which connect with the earth element and promote stability.

  3. 3.All White: While white represents purity and cleanliness, an entirely white kitchen can feel sterile and cold, lacking the warmth and vibrancy associated with cooking and gathering.

    Alternatives: Break up the white with warm accents like cream, beige, or light yellow. Consider incorporating natural materials like wood or stone to add texture and ground the space.

  4. 4.Dark Blue: Dark blue, associated with the water element, can create a feeling of coldness and isolation in the kitchen. It can also suppress creativity and hinder communication.

    Alternatives: If you prefer cooler tones, opt for lighter shades of blue or teal, which evoke calmness and serenity without feeling isolating. Consider incorporating accents of green or brown to balance the water energy with earth and wood elements.

  5. 5.Purple: Purple, symbolising royalty and luxury, can feel heavy and opulent in a kitchen. Its association with the fire element can also create disharmony and tension

    Alternatives: Use lavender or lilac shades for a touch of elegance without the heaviness. Consider incorporating accents of green or yellow to balance the fire energy with wood and earth elements.

  6. Finding the Right Kitchen Interior Designers

    Choosing the right kitchen interior designer can make a significant difference in creating a harmonious and functional space aligned with your Feng Shui preferences. Here are some tips for finding the perfect fit:

    • Do your research: Look for kitchen interior designers in Trivandrum or your area with experience in Feng Shui principles. Read online reviews and testimonials to get a sense of their style and approach.
    • Consider their portfolio: Look for designers whose past projects resonate with your aesthetic and incorporate Feng Shui principles you appreciate.
    • Schedule consultations: Meet with several designers to discuss your vision, budget, and Feng Shui preferences. Ask about their experience with kitchens and their understanding of Feng Shui principles.
    • Get quotes: Compare quotes from different designers to ensure you get the best kitchen interior design prices.
    • Trust your gut: Ultimately, choose a designer you feel comfortable with and confident in their ability to create your dream kitchen.

    Remember, Feng Shui is a personal practice, and the colours that resonate with you may differ slightly from those mentioned above. Experiment with different colours and observe how they make you feel. Trust your intuition and create a kitchen space that reflects your personality and fosters harmony, well-being, and culinary inspiration.

    By incorporating these tips and exploring harmonious colour palettes, you can transform your kitchen into a space that nourishes your body and soul, fostering positive energy and creating lasting memories with your loved ones. Remember, the perfect kitchen is not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a space that reflects your unique personality and promotes well-being for all who use it.