By Admin / 13 Oct 2021

All Indian households are after modular kitchens. The reason is quite simple. It is because modular kitchens are fantastic in style. It also has remarkable technical feasibility. It is also quite manageable compared to other kitchens.

All these are reasons for you to choose a modular kitchen but, you should focus on some more traits. To run a clutter-free kitchen we should be ready with a splendid master plan. Let us see the major criteria that should be check-marked before adopting a modular kitchen- be it big or small.

Availability of space

The space available is an important trait in determining how your modular kitchen should be. For a smaller kitchen, a parallel or straight design would be the best pick. Else, you m opt for L-shaped, U-shaped, or kitchen islands.

Type and quality of material

Always opt for waterproof materials. Waterproof with lamination are the suitable ones.


Mostly we have an inbuilt countertop. But, countertops are also open to customization. Granite with premium quality, laminated boiling waterproofs are remarkable. For Indian kitchens, granite countertops are the best choice since it is heat resistant and protect from scratches and stains.

Reflector colors

Always go for light pastel shades rather than tones like black and brown. You may also mix and match your palette of shades and enhance the chick ratio of your kitchen. Also include electric chimneys to enable proper ventilation.

Secure kitchen

Safety is the most important trait when it comes to your kitchen. Keep your flooring slip-resistant and leave ample space amidst the basin and stove.

Height of kitchen

Mothers usually complain of back pain and sprains. What if the reason is your improperly set kitchen height? Always make your kitchen countertops and cabinets designed as per your height.