By Admin / 13 Oct 2021

The hub of your home is undoubted, your kitchen place. Food is broiled with a tinge of love and care and we spread oodles of positivity from our kitchen to all corners of our home. Many of us will rack our brains on deciding how to bring about an insightful, awesome living room and completely ignoring our kitchen alongside.

The majority of us are after modular kitchen design. But it is a completely versatile design and comes in a variety of forms. Whether it is suitable for you is a question of utmost concern which we tend to forget and later repent.

Accessibility to kitchen resources with ease is a major out throw of kitchen place and needs essential catering to. Even after spending thousands of bucks renovating your home, that eye-to-cheek smile won’t be visible on many faces. It is because of certain mistakes in their panning and choice of design that tend to be a spoiler.

Let us go through the most commonly made mistakes while we design a kitchen place. Al the hustle-bustle of your home comes straight from your kitchen. And a small mistake can be a massive spoiler alert. All your efforts in renovation can go wasted with the slightest of ignorance.

When there is so limited storage space, the kitchen can appear so cluttered and damage the visual appeal. So always monitor the storage space.

The work triangle of your kitchen should be properly set with the stove at the center and the sink, fridge on the sides. This flow should be maintained within your kitchen to ensure a sound working environment.

Always go for delicate designs with options for easy cleaning. Too many cupboards within the kitchen can make your kitchen so stuffed, and hard to clean too.

Lack of proper lighting can also be a major hindrance.

These are the basic downfalls in kitchen design. Make sure to stay clear of these big mistakes in kitchen design.