By Admin / 13 Oct 2021

It is a well-known fact that there exists a multitude of differences when it comes to a room that has been designed by an interior designer when compared to the home decorator. There exist several tricks in the hands of a designer when t comes to balancing the color palette to planning the lights choosing curtains and even the artworks. Let us go through some of the highlights to get your décor to the next level.

Proper floor plan

When it comes to non-designer they always try to stuff the room with too much furniture to make the room look pleasant which ends up in total suffocation. People should be able to roam around freely and is always ideal to leave an almost 45cm gap amidst the sofa, chair, and coffee table within your living room.

This ensures that there is plenty of paces left for you to stretch your weary arms and legs while you sip a cup of coffee after a busy day.

Magical number Three

Number three has a lot to do with professional design. It’s always good to group up an odd number of items in terms of vases, candles, or pics. This is to ensure that ice can move around the artifacts and enhance the level of visual interest that is symmetrical.

Seventy-Thirty ratio

Proportions have a lot to do with design. The seventy-thirty ratio is the most important factor to be determined when it comes to the styling of your room. You can set up your room in a particular style covering seventy percent of your space and covering the remaining thirty percent exclusively in a different style. So you can muster the traditional retro look of your home with a thirty percent of modern contemporary style.